1. An initiation by the utmost precious nectar can enable one to attain the accomplishment to become a great holy person on the spot, realizing the state of nirvana with complete awareness.
2. If one can abide by the precepts in one’s cultivation and practice without violating the precepts in the Nectar Protection Longevity Mantra, an initiation by the great precious nectar can expand one’s lifespan to 125 years and one will attain accomplishment and liberation in 12 years, realizing the state of nirvana with complete awareness.

3. An initiation by the Bodhi nectar will enable one to attain accomplishment and liberation in 20 years, with a lifespan of 125 years. However, one must abide by the precepts in the Nectar Protection Longevity Mantra. If any violation is committed, one must sincerely repent and correct within 15 days. Otherwise the nectar and its effect will be lost without a trace.
4. An initiation with the sprinkling of the Bodhi nectar has only 5% of the effect.
5. Nectar pills have only 2% of the effect. CLICK for more information.
SOURCE: Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters. Written on behalf of great holy virtuous ones to answer questions raised on March 10, 2018 (January 23, 2018–Chinese lunar calendar).
Photos are from True Stories About a Holy Monk.

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