Last week I read the first part of this amazing sutra based on the “Heart Sutra” by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to those attending our week-long retreat at the Holy Vajrasana Temple.
We will continue this effort with another seven-day retreat in March. The first part covers an overview and introduction to the entire sutra and provides an in-depth, 117 page, analysis of the five terms in the title: Prajna, parami, ta, heart, and sutra. This not only provides definitive definitions of these important concepts, but also gives us analogies and methods for understanding basic truths about who and what we are and the universe, and it does so in simple language that anyone can understand.
In March, we will start a detailed word by word analysis of the second part that includes the text of the sutra using an English translation of the famous Chinese translation by the seventh century monk Chen Xuanzang (602-664). If you would like to come to the temple and read or hear either part of the commentary, please let me know and I will try and arrange it. I have permission to read a preliminary translation at the temple and have been able to obtain special approval for advanced students who do private retreats at the temple to also read this very precious dharma book. The book is based on a series of dharma discourses given by the Buddha Master in China over twenty years ago. Several years ago, His Holiness told a number of us that this is the only book you need to read to understand and realize emptiness. The three types of prajna—language prajna, contemplation prajna, and absolute or reality prajna—are all explained as are the need to balance the practice of wisdom and contemplation and other concepts.
The holy book Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra was first released in Chinese on March 2014 (CLICK for article). Although Bodi Wentu Rinpoche has finished a preliminary translation, I do not think that it will be ready for release or publication in English for some time. Any book this important and profound takes many reviews and will only be available when approved and final and the karmic conditions are right for its release. I feel so strongly that this incredible document is so important to any serious student of Buddhism who wishes to become enlightened in this lifetime, that I have vowed to do what I can to help any sincere student hear what we have, knowing that it is not the final translation. Please let me know if you are interested.
CLICK for more information on doing private retreats.
I attended this December retreat and was able to listen to Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche read the preliminary text. It was wonderful! The Buddha Master’s book on the Heart Sutra covers the most important concepts and goals in Buddhism. It is extremely profound and comprehensive. Ordinarily, these concepts can be difficult to understand because cultivators don’t necessarily have direct experience of concepts such as: prajna, emptiness, enlightenment and other profound states. Yet, the Buddha Master has ways to introduce such concepts so that we can understand what they are about. Buddha Master builds a foundation for understanding them that is easy to absorb. The language used is detailed, very clear and straightforward. And there are many entertaining stories added for further understanding and enjoyment. It is a truly great book and essential guide for accomplishing the Buddhist path.
I also attended this amazing retreat this last week with the reading of his Holiness Dorie Chang III, direct, detailed information for all living beings. This retreat, thanks to Zhaxi Zhuoma’s reading, opened my eyes to the heart seal of Prajna. As I have chanted this mantra for several years yet here I sense the urgency of aging and the impermanence in my life and that my very own hindrances must be removed to have the help of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They can not help me if I have wrong view, and doubts. This is simple work yet to have hindrances removed and to have Liberation from life and death I am the only one that can cultivate all these precepts, along with meditation and good deeds i can become a holy person .
I have had some pure and exquisite experience at this temple where Zhaxi Zhuoma guides and
Helps me investigate and comtemplate the wonder of dharma that is given by his holiness . In this polarized time I find great good fortune and happiness with my on going work . How can this be here in the Western Culture? It is remarkable.
First of all, I most sincerely prostrate to H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! I also attended this wonderful retreat part time last week. I was able to listen to Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche read the preliminary translation of the holy book;. This holy book is extremely important to anyone who wants to be accomplished and liberated in this lifetime. In this holy book, Buddha Master step by step teaches us how to understand and realize emptiness and how to become enlightened. I am so fortune that I have such a great opportunity to learn the precious correct Buddha Dharma taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in this lifetime. I am very grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Thanks to Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche’s reading that let me to understand some of the most important concepts better. I really like her reading speed and tone. I also had the great opportunity to listen to the very precious Silver Box Dharma Discourses. It was a great experience to attend this wonderful retreat. I will definitely participate in the next retreat again.
Early December 2018, there was a seven-day retreat, Western students listened to Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche respectfully read the preliminary translation of the holy book “Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra”. It was the first time that Western students listened to this supreme and unsurpassable Buddha Dharma. I could see their hearts full of dharma joy, The Chinese students respectfully listened to the Silver Box Dharma Discourses expounded by the Buddha Master in the Green Tara room. They repeatedly listened to deepen their understanding of the meaning of the dharma and understood why Dharma King Gar Tongstan had such a great achievement; That is because he received the correct Buddha Dharma transmission and the empowerment of the Buddha Master, He practiced cultivation according to the dharma, and he had a magnificent affinity. Therefore, it is inevitable that he had great achievements, the Silver Box Dharma Discourses reveal to us that the Dharma he received and his Master are supreme and unsurpassable. The key is that we have to qualify ourselves. By checking ourselves, we will find out we have serious self-attachment and are filled with bad habits and that we are not qualified Buddhist disciples, We must make up our minds to strictly protect our bodies, our speech, and our mind from contamination with bad karmas. We must be vigorous and progressive, and we can’t slack off. The retreat learning has great benefits, At the same time, I hope that more brothers and sister can participate in such learning and they will receive great benefits.
These comments have been translated from the Chinese.