A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Group Meditation Sessions

Amitabha Buddha at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco.

NOTICE: sessions on hold until April 10.

I have started a daily Zoom session from 6:00 to 7:00 pm every day for a group meditation session. I am adding a 30 minute session starting at 5:30 to serve as my “Office Hours” for any students enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or the Xiuxing Seminary programs wanting to discuss their practice. These would be open sessions, but we could arrange private time, if that is necessary. If anyone who is not enrolled in either of those programs is interested in joining us, please contact me.

I have been working on the meditation components of the class on the “Three Principal Stages and Paths” and meditation is a big part of it. This is just preparing for the next series of Saturday morning classes I intend to hold. This will only be a break in our study of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. We will, hopefully, be able to continue with the text of the sutra itself.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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