A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Great Perfection Rainbow State at the Vajra Throne

Photo of Viewing Great Perfection Rainbow Lights.
Viewing Great Perfection Rainbow Lights.

I wanted to share a video I just found about one of the amazing holy manifestations that I experienced while with the Buddha Master. This event happened in 2006 in Pasadena. This was also the site where I had received the inner tantric Dharma Wheel Initiation two years earlier that is reported elsewhere.

I had been out of town and missed the first day or so when the jewels formed, but I came back in time to see them several times. I forget how many days they were present. Actually this sort of thing was not so unusual, and yet it was still so amazing that it is hard to talk about it even now.~

I wasn’t present when the robe was offered and the rainbow formed, but the nuns who were present reported on what they saw. I know these nuns and believe them. The article read from the Big Blue Book in the above video also describes what we saw when the rainbow jewels appeared on the grass. I would say that the close-up taken from the photo with many looking on and shown below was about the size of the actual jewels as I remember them.

Rainbow jewels.
Photo of Viewing Great Perfection Rainbow Lights.
Nuns watching rainbow ascend.

CLICK for an earlier article on the “Rainbow Jewels” appearing.

There were many wonderful sights and events that spontaneously happened while being with the Buddha Master. Magical rainbow lights appeared on the special grass at the mandala where the Buddha performed many of the empowerments and initiations that I witnessed and received. They were like tiny red, yellow, green, and blue jewels that sparkled independently of any external light source. Some were clear like large diamonds. We heard the sound of heavenly dragons roaring like thunder across a clear blue sky. The sparkling lights changed color and glittered on and between the blades of grass. It was amazing! This was no ordinary site.

This had been the site of the “Ultimate Bathing of the Buddha Dharma Assembly” that I reported in an article linked below. This was also the site of one of the “Buddhas Bestow Nectar” ceremonies performed in 2000, before I met His Holiness.

grass mandala 2004

Shortly after the Ultimate (Highest) Bathing the Buddha Dharma Assembly was held in May 2004, a specific type of flower called “Auspicious Grass of the Four Jewels” started growing directly in front of where the actual ceremony had taken place. The flowers had four distinct very thin parts or leaves. They grew in a particular pattern and formed a perfect circle. Prior to the ceremony the area had been completely flat. After the ceremony, the ground became slightly elevated, forming a mound on which these special flowers grew. These flowers grew no other place in the yard. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III explained that this was an offering from the Dharma Protecting Deities. Now three or four years later the magical jewels could be seen on this distinctive grass.

This was a very special place where many different ceremonies, empowerments, and initiations had been held, starting in 2000 when Holy Nectar manifested at the site. A few years later the “Ultimate Bathing of the Buddha Ceremony” was conducted here. The following year it rained nectar nearby under a beautiful purple flowering jacaranda tree during a celebration honoring the birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Articles on all these events are linked below.

CLICK for article on when “Holy Nectar Manifested in America in 2000,” which also happened at this same holy mandala.

CLICK for 2018 blog article on “What Is Nectar?”

CLICK for article on the “Ultimate Bathing of the Buddha Ceremony” conducted in Los Angeles on May 26, 2004,

CLICK for 2020 blog article on my personal account of the “Ultimate Bathing of the Buddha Ceremony” taken from my book Thus Have I Seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and Its Power to Transform.

CLICK for article on the “Grass Mandala” that naturally grew where the “Ultimate Bathing the Buddha Ceremony” was held in 2004.

CLICK for article on “Flowering Tree Rains Nectar” that happened in June 2005 at the same site where the “Grass Mandala” appeared.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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