In mid-February, Gongjue Tuji Rinpoche from Cologne, Germany told me he had been visited by our Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and reassured that he would be able to receive the inner-tantric initiation He had promised and that Gongjue’s yidam would make the arrangements. During Gongjue’s practice, his yidam Green Tara appeared and confirmed all this as Gonjue explains in this short video. I’m happy to share this real and good news with all people.
I have added a couple of earlier articles about Gongjue’s relationship with his yidam that you might find informative. He is truly a sincere, humble, and dedicated student and totally devoted to our Buddha Master and his yidam. You will see that this is not the first or only time his yidam appeared and spoke to him.
CLICK for January 2024 article on Gongjue Tuji Rinpoche’s German and English website.
CLICK for article on experience Gongjue Rinpoche had after 2018 Dharma Assembly celebrating H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s birthday at Holy Heavenly Hake in Hesperia, California.
CLICK for another article from Gongjue from 2013 on his relationship with Green Tara and how She had helped his wife through a dangerous bout of cancer and our Buddha Master’s response when I told Him about it.
I’m so exited to see this. Buddha is always with us. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Such wonderful news! May we all cultivate well and quickly qualify for these rare empowerments.
Thank you so much Gongjue-tuji-Rinpoche for your sharing. It gave us so much confidence and could you please advise us how to be so connected with your Yidam and Buddha Master?
Dear Adeline,
I don’t know if I can advise you but I’m happy to share my experiences. Almost everything I’ve learned I did so by listening to or reading the Dharma by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. And I’ve learned that we always have to be sincere in our conduct especially towards our Yidam. Because our Yidam is our personal spiritual guide that really wants us to become enlightened as soon as possible. As a fully enlightened being our Yidam knows what we think and sees what we do and say. So he or she also sees if we are sincere or not. Yes, we have our faults but that is the reason why we have to cultivate ourselves. By cultivating we gain the trust of our Yidam. Be aware that your Yidam is all the time around you by his or her transcendental powers. In difficult situations I always reflect on how my Yidam would behave instead of me. This helps me to come in accord with my Yidam and also reveals my shortcomings for me at the same time. By doing our daily Yidam practice we can come in direct contact with this transcendental power. The most crucial point in my experience was to extinguish all of my doubts. If we doubt that our Yidam has any power from which we can benefit then we won’t receive any benefit at all. That is really important! We must also not doubt that our karma is too heavy or that the dharma we received is not high enough and therefore we can’t succeed in our Yidam practice. Those doubts will block us from any benefit. But cultivating ourselves and doing our Yidam practice with the utmost sincerity will definitely connect us with our Yidam and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! This is at least what I have experienced.
I do appreciate all of the sharing from Gongjue Tuji Rinpoche, actually I have the same doubt while hearing the news of Budda’s nirvana, but now I am more confident than before.
Thank you Rimpoche For the most profound words. Doubt can interrupt all of our practice. What great news. Thank you again for sharing this important and wonderful gifts from the Yidam and his Holiness Dorje Chang 111.