Gongjue Tuji Rinpoche, who founded and leads the Xuanfa Dharmazentrum (Dharma Center) in Cologne, Germany received a powerful lesson from attending the June 2018 Dharma Assembly celebrating the birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. After sharing his experience with me, he agreed to write it up for our website so that others may benefit as well. Gongjue is a very devout student who has flown to Thailand and Hong Kong as well as America to hear translations of the Buddha Master’s teachings and participate in other Dharma Assemblies. CLICK to read his account of what happened.
By-the-way, I found I had another robe after he left and when I was sure it was his, I mailed it to Germany. Gongjue has an excellent relationship with his yidam who has helped him many times before. He provides an excellent example of how our yidams will come to us and help us, but we do need to ask. Yidam practice can be very rewarding in many ways.
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