Another series of classes was held over the Labor Day weekend to listen to and study the amazing sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that uses the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra as its foundation. We only made it through the first word of the title and 158 of over 1200 pages, but that is a lot. We have done the first of 4 of what will be over 40 classes on this profound and illuminating sutra before, but every time I read them, I gain a deeper understanding of this great work. The Buddha Master provides the foundation for understanding what the three types of prajna mean–language prajna, contemplative prajna, and intrinsic reality prajna.–as well as explaining, in simple terms, many key principles and concepts of Buddhism. If you want to understand “emptiness” and become liberated and enlightened, reading and/or hearing this text is a must!
I really hope that more of you can come to the temple and read the preliminary translation of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. We will have another retreat and intensive starting the evening of October 11 through noon on Sunday October 20.
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