The LFBCS courses G03(A) and G03 provide an introduction to Buddhism, the Buddhas, and what Buddhas do, with a historical look at how Buddhism came to this world and evolved over the various cultures and times. It starts in the Samboghakaya realm with the Adama Buddha and the manifestation of Dorje Chang Buddha who taught all the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas including the Buddhas in the five directions and Vajrasattva. He also manifested as Dipamkara Buddha in another realm and taught Shakyamuni Buddha who then came to this world and became the Buddha for our world. Dorje Chang Buddha also manifested in this world at the time of Shakyamuni Buddha as the layman Vimalakirti to help Shakyamuni Buddha and did again in China in the last millennium as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The table below identifies the patriarchs and matriarchs shown above plus a few more.
The video below traces the evolution of Buddhism in this world in more detail and how it migrated throughout Asia and finally came to the west.
This course introduces the various Sutras and commentaries that formed the doctrines for various schools and sects and the great Patriarchs and Matriarchs who were the saints or holy beings who founded these sects in India, South-East Asia, China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Tibet. It shows how the four major traditions or vehicles evolved and spread throughout Asia and eventually the West. It provides an outline of how the many practice lineages came to Tibet from India and evolved in Tibet to eventually come to America. There was a saying in Tibet that when horses run on wheels and iron birds fly, the Dharma will go to the land of the red man and the Tibetans will be spread like ants over the face of the earth. That has happened. It also discusses what is meant by the Dharma Ending Age.
The course also explains what Buddhas do—the five vidyas—and maps out how one becomes a Buddha.
Lineages and Traditions
When researching the various lineages of Buddhism in the world today and over time for the Big Blue Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma, I was able to compile a chart and video that showed how the different lineages, schools, and traditions evolved over time. The video, shown above, was recorded originally in 2013 so a few comments are dated, but the message has not changed. I am sure there are mistakes and errors, but I am confident that this simplified overall view tells the story of how Buddhism came to us and the richness of the various traditions that evolved in different cultures. For example, I say that Garab Dorje should be included and, in fact, he is. Please note that different translations are offered for some names that now use more modern forms, like Hsuan Tsang (Xuan Zang). There is also the chart you may download above that list major historical events in Buddhism and how the major patriarchs and matriarchs of the various lineages fit into this time line. It provides the names and times, country of origin, from the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha in 623 BCE to the major sects that exist in the world today. There are also links to articles on the five time periods of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teaching and the eight charioteers who brought Buddhism to Tibet.
CLICK for article on “Five Time Periods of Shakyamuni Buddha’s Teaching.”
CLICK for article on the “The Eight Charioteers who brought Buddhism to Tibet.”
CLICK for article on C41(A)-Three Major Stages and Paths of Buddhist Practice Revisited including video of how Buddhism Came to the West.
This article was previously posted August 24 and April 13, 2024 and December 27, 2024.
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