We started the October 29 class with a look at how we actually treat other people in regard to the Four Limitless States of Mind as an introduction to Lesson 39 on “Dharma to Pass Thru Barriers and the Six Paramitas”. The Dharma to Pass Thru Barriers provides a process whereby you can change your behavior to enable you to solve any hindrances you have to progressing on your path to accomplishment in becoming a holy and enlightened being. It explains how you may use this Dharma to enable you to pass through barriers so as to completely eliminate eight types of evil karma stemming from (1) saying one thing yet meaning something different; (2) killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct; (3) sowing discord and speaking harshly; (4) greed and stinginess; (5) anger, hatred, and jealousy; (6) arrogance and disrespect; (7) not having a firm faith; and (8) afflictions from attachment to self. These eight broad categories can contain all of our most difficult character flaws that hinder our progress. Paid members may CLICK to view a video of the class discussion on this Dharma.
This Dharma to Pass Thru Barriers is what we need to proceed to the last of the preliminary practices included in this discourse–the “Six Paramitas” which are what Bodhisattvas do. They include the myriad practice of 1-being giving and charitable, which saves one from stinginess and greed; that is, one can liberate oneself from stinginess and greed by being giving and charitable. Observing the precepts saves one from violations. Patience saves one from anger and hatred. Exerting effort saves one from laziness. Dhyana saves one from scatter-mindedness. Prajna saves one from ignorance. These Six Paramitas are very important. They all must be practiced by Bodhisattvas in their cultivation. Paid members may CLICK to view a video of the class discussion on a discussion of the “Six Paramitas.”
As anticipated, we were not able to complete this lesson so a supplemental lesson has been scheduled for the following Saturday, November 5, also at 9:00 am Pacific Time. You are invited to attend any of the sessions, even if you have not attended the other sessions. We will investigate the relationship between Dharma and prajna, false practice and true practice, and other related matters.
If you have not already done so, please CLICK for link to register for this class and join us, if you have not already done so. You do NOT need to register again, but can use the same meeting code for all the sessions in the series devoted to DCB26-How to Realize Prajna. Those who are enrolled in DCB26 may CLICK to see the questions (#107-#120) that were discussed at this session today. The next session will be held on November 5, 2022 to cover the remaining questions (#121-#135) related to the “Six Paramitas”. There will be another session to complete the coursework for DCB26-“How to Realize Prajna” for the the entire series on Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra on November 19 at 9:00 am Pacific Time to cover Lesson 40 (questions #136-#141) the “Concluding Dharma” and Lesson 41 (questions #142-#144) on testimonials from disciples who report on that they have learned from this sutra.
CLICK for link to article on September 17, 2022 class on first part of Lesson 36 on “Causality and Methods of Continual Practice”. Buddhist Studies and Xuixing Seminary students may view the questions covered and the recording of that session at DCB26-Lesson 36A.
CLICK for link to article on September 24, 2022 class on second part of Lesson 36 on “Causality and Methods of Continual Practice”.
CLICK for link to article on October 1, 2022 class on Lesson 37 on “Preliminary Practices”. Buddhist Studies and Xuixing Seminary students may view the questions covered and the recording of that session at DCB26-Lesson 37.
CLICK for link to article on October 15, 2022 class on first part of Lesson 38 on the “Three Sets of Pure Precepts and the Ten Wholesome Behaviors”. Buddhist Studies and Xuixing Seminary students at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary may view the questions covered and the recording of this session at DCB26-Lesson 38A.
CLICK for article on October 22, 2022 class on the second part of Lesson 38 on the “Four Limitless States of Mind.”
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