A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Correct View on Opening of the Crown: Erroneous View #56

Painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
“Beautiful Nugget of So Few Colors,” Painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha has told us that only when the crown opens up, even with a tiny opening, can the basic accomplishment of ending the cycle of rebirth and death be reached. One cannot achieve liberation without this.

Although there are many ways the crown can be opened, the State Practice dharma of the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) offers unique dharmas that enables consciousness to freely leave and come back and manifest all kinds of powers. The opening is clearly visible by MRI scanning and the opening may happen within an hour or two of the receipt of the dharma. Other practices may take a lifetime of practice and can only be applied at the time one is ready to leave this world. It is a one time event and that consciousness must be reborn in other realms or find its way to the Buddha lands. Consciousness cannot return after it has left, but this is not the case with the State Practice dharma. However this type of crown opening must be built on a foundation of two types of bodhichitta: the Bodhicitta of Empathy (also called the Exchange Between Self and Others Bodhicitta) and the Supreme or Holy Form of Bodhicitta, which is the Bodhicitta of Non-Residing. The recipient must also keep and never deviate from the State Practice precepts.

How consciousness or the soul exits the body also determines where that consciousness will be reborn or go at the time of death. CLICK for more.

The advantage of the state practices is that they produce concrete evidence that the crown has been opened through the scientific imaging of the MRI process and other manifestations. One of the common erroneous views held by many Buddhists is the belief that the insertion of an auspicious straw into the crown does indicate that the crown has been opened, but that is not necessarily the case. CLICK for more.

Erroneous View No. 56: Acknowledging as a crown opening the insertion of an auspicious straw is inserted into the top of their head without seeing real fruits of realization. This is a persistent misconception. People often claim that the crown of the head has been opened after an auspicious straw was inserted into the crown of the head. As I have said many times before, an auspicious straw is harder than a bamboo lot. Therefore, that situation may or may not result in the crown being opened. Inserting an auspicious straw into the crown of the head does not necessarily result in the crown being opened. If a peacock feather is inserted, the crown has been opened. However, that opening of the crown is different from the one that takes place with the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation. The former type of crown opening is done through the phowa dharma. Within the esoteric dharma, there is the Bright Phowa, the Kuan Yin Phowa, the Manjushri Phowa, and so on. Although the Bright Phowa is regarded as the highest dharma in esoteric Buddhism, the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation Dharma is actually very much higher. These two dharmas of opening the crown are different. After the crown is opened through phowa dharma, one’s consciousness cannot re-enter the body once it leaves the body. However, after the crown is opened through the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation Dharma, one’s consciousness can re-enter the body after it leaves the body. However, Vajra Substitute Body Meditation, which is also called Empty Crown Meditation, requires as its foundation the practice of Kalachakra. Only when one’s practice of Kalachakra has reached a certain level can one practice the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation, which is the most excellent, highest, and most secret dharma within the Kalachakra. After one successfully practices the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation, a large gap will open up through the scalp, skull, brain membranes, and brain. One’s consciousness can then leave and re-enter the body. Otherwise, the practice is not successful. A Rinpoche said, “I practice the Kalachakra. Why have I not heard about the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation?” The answer is very simple. I told him, “The realization you have from your practice has not reach the requisite level to practice the Vajra Substitute Body Meditation, a most secret dharma. Therefore, you cannot receive the teaching of Vajra Substitute Body Meditation. Only when you have reached a considerably accomplished state of realization through practice of Kalachakra can you learn this dharma. Not having reached that state, receiving the “state practice” initiation is even more out of the question. That is why you have not heard about this most secret dharma practice. Precisely because of this, your scalp, skull, and brain membranes are all closed. If you do not believe this, you can get a MRI scan of your head. You will see with your own eyes that your crown is closed.” Which reflects higher realization, a closed crown or an open crown? I think you know the answer without me telling you. However, I must say that the Kalachakra dharma is on the highest level of esoteric Buddha-dharma. You do not necessarily have to realize the meditation state in which your consciousness leaves your body and you see that everything is empty


  • It’s Disappointing & Disheartening To See & Heard And To Know That There Will Be Of NO Basic Accomplishment & Attainment To Lay Buddhists Without Masters. Without The Opening Of The Crown……

  • Please don’t be disappointed or disheartened. Although the State Practice dharmas of the Supreme and Unsurpassamle Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) offer unique and wonderful ways to open your crown, that is not the only way to have your Crown opened, and it can be done without a Master. And you do not need to be a monastic. All methods depend on your Cultivation and your efforts and that includes the SAUMOL methods. Even if you have the good fortune to receive a great dharma and an authentic inner tantric initiation, you will still need to keep your precepts to become accomplished and attain Liberation.

Zhaxi Zhuoma

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Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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