A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Celebration of the Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Snow Lions at the HHDCB3 in Covina, CA.

Those of you who are members of the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum may participate this year by sending videos of art and/or cultural performances. Below is the announcement and the form you MUST fill in to submit. There is also a schedule of activities that the Museum is sponsoring to celebrate this event on June 19 and 20, 2021

Notice of the Celebration Event in Observance of the Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Respectable Members of the Museum,

Time flies fast and soon the auspicious June Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is coming up. In observance of the Holy Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the Cultural and Art Museum has planned a series of celebratory activities. Considering the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the format of our activities will be different this year.

In addition to the activities of releasing captive lives for benefiting the multitude of beings and benevolent contribution to communities, the Museum would like to request videos of art and culture performances from our broad members to celebrate the Buddha’s birthday. We cordially invite you to film your well-prepared program and submit it to us in the form of a video file. The Museum will invite professional judges to select the winning performances. The award-winning videos will be posted on the official website of the Museum. We hope all the museum members can join this activity to show your stunning talents and jointly celebrate the Buddha’s Birthday with us!

At the same time, we would like to encourage our members to follow the government’s regulations regarding the pandemic in their respective countries and regions and hold your own activities of releasing captive lives, making benevolent contributions to communities, and Dharma-listening sessions. We will pray for the pandemic to end soon; we will pray for world peace as well as the wellbeing of all the people!

The schedule of the activities is shown below:

I. Charity Donation

Date and Time: Saturday, June 19, 2021, 2:00 p.m.
Location: the lobby of the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum

II. Releasing Captive Lives for Benefiting the Multitude of Beings

Date and Time: Sunday, June 20, 2021, 9:00 a.m. Location: 13759 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Please note: To abide by the COVID-19 guidance of LA County Department of Public Health, the activities of releasing captive lives will be performed by the local representatives and volunteers of each organization.

The 2021 Artistic Talent Performance Contest Rules

  1. Form of Performance: various forms of performances, such as dancing, vocal performance, cross talk, short act, martial art, instrumental performance, etc., are all welcome
  2. Performers/Participants: individual or collective team
  3. Length of the Video: not to exceed 10 minutes
  4. Format of the Video: in MP4, MOV, or WMV format
  5. Submission Deadline: May 31, 2021 (Pacific Time 11:59 p.m.)
  6. Registration: Please fill out the registration form (Appendix 1) and email it along with the video to info@hhdcb3cam.org by the submission deadline *The Museum will reply to your email with a confirmation letter for receiving the video and registration form within 4 days of your submission. If you do not receive the confirmation letter 4 days post your submission, please contact us.
  7. Evaluation Criteria: the performance should be optimistic, positive, and vivacious to celebrate the birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Creativity, entertaining and enjoyable level will be the main evaluation criteria.
  8. Prizes:
    1. One First-place Prize: USD $2,000, one exquisite copy of the painting “Sunflowers” (by Vincent van Gogh), and a certification
    2. Two Second-place Prize: USD $1,500 and a certification each
    3. Five Third-place Prize: USD $1,000 and a certification each

Note: The H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Culture and Art Museum reserves the right of the final decisions of competing entries.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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