Kyabjé Dodrupchen Rinpoche Thupten Thrinle Palzang (1927-2022), an incarnation of Guru Padmasambhava and also known as the fourth H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche, was the holiest great dharma king within the Nyingma lineage...
Holy Vajrasana Temple, Buddha Hall with “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra” in front of the Buddha. The self-study questions have been added to DCB25-Expounding the Absolute Truth through...
Only after the manas and alaya consciousnesses are also completely emptied can one enter the correct wisdom of prajna; that is, the state of supreme prajna. Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra ...
Statues of Early Disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha (5th-6th century BCE). This class on early disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha (5th-6th century BCE) will use as a text Great Disciples of the Buddha Their Lives, Their Works...
Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was presented to the Grand Dharma Assembly held in Hong Kong in March 2014. Long Hui Fa Shi and I were interviewed concerning the miraculous events related to this...
Plain dharmakaya is the state of prajna. . . After realizing prajna with the realization appearing before you, when the previous thought has gone, the next thought has not yet arisen, and there is no attachment to this...
The Elephant Path of Mental Abiding. This image illustrates the nine stages of mental abiding that happen as one progresses in one’s meditation by showing a wild black elephant symbolizing our wild monkey-mind we start...
As stars, blurred vision, candles, illusions, dew, bubbles, dreams, lightning, and clouds; so should all that is conditioned be seen. “The Diamond Sutra”
Rick Gabehart attacking roots of the fallen giant. Rick and Ruth Gabehart arrived this week from Texas to help remove the giant fallen eucalyptus tree at the pond and help with many other post COVID projects to maintain...
Queen Anne’s Lace or Wild Carrot. We were unable to finish all of Lesson 38 today. We will continue our discussion of the preliminary practices with a special session on October 22 at 9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time...