Student studying “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.” Once again we will need to revise our schedule in our study of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra to allow more time for our...
We celebrate the year-end retreat around Rohatsu, the Japanese term for the day of Shakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment. In Japan they use the Gregorian Calendar and celebrate the day on the eighth day of December, but we...
We finished the first Lesson on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” on December 3 with a discussion on why certain Buddhist defame H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Imparting the...
As the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LRBCS) prepares to discuss and explore Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, I thought it might be helpful to see how one of us reacted to being able to...
Canadian Goose Family Visiting the Temple. The Holy Vajrasana Temple website has been updated to better integrate it with the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) activities, complement this more-or-less...
Student studying “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra” at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. Today, October 1, 2022, we continued our discussion of questions from DCB26 on “How to Realize Prajna” a discourse...
Attendees all witnessed Buddhas bestow nectar at the dharma assembly, as a congratulation to the Supreme Treasure Scripture “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.” Yesterday, September 24...
Details of “Jewels” that appeared on Grass Mandala. We have not been able to reschedule retreats for most of the past two years. Now that the Pandemic is official over, we are trying to open up the temple...
This is a very tasty and spicy breakfast soup that we served with buttered toast and sliced tomatoes and/or avocados. I have decided to give options on how to use this and future recipes for Oryoki service for either...
We just finished another 30-day retreat (August 5-September 5, 2022) devoted to studying Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. Seventeen people participated and eight were able to complete reading the...