A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - Quotes

Photo of Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha from the Cave Temples of Dunhuang, China.

The Upayakausalya Sutra

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha from the Cave Temples of Dunhuang, China. I believe the story we discussed at yesterday’s seminar on the SAUMOL is from the Skill-in-Means or Skillful Means Sutra (Upāyakauśalya-sūtra)...

QUOTE-The Six Tastes and Three Virtues”

“If the six tastes are not suitable and if the food lacks the three virtues, the tenzo’s offering to the assembly is not complete.”  Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), Teno Kyokun (How to Cook Your Life: From the Zen Kitchen to...

QUOTE-Three Practices

Living beings in transmigration should diligently cultivate the three practices of precept observance, dhyana, and wisdom. Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra -Part Two by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha...