A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - Quotes


Only through cultivation, learning dharma, and changing the order in which effects would otherwise mature due to causes can you realize prajna, your intrinsic nature, liberation, and accomplishment. H.H. Dorje Chang...


Cultivation is adopting specific methods to correct yourself and conform with the principles taught by the Buddha.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra


With respect to an ordinary person, bodhicitta is compassionately helping other people and vowing that they learn Buddhism and attain liberation.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
 from “What Is Cultivation?”


…Regarding how to truly realize prajna, how to use your actual experiences to grasp prajna, you must understand the rules and methods of continual practice.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha Expounding the Absolute...

QUOTE–Secular Buddhism

 I don’t believe the secular brand of Buddhism with its focus on being the best me, or on therapy, or on succeeding at business and personal relationships has retained its original value and purpose of helping us...

QUOTE–Beneficial Effects

What is important for a Buddhist is to enter deeply into the sutras, vinayas, and shastras and emphasize cultivation. Only then can one practice the Dharma to receive beneficial effects. Regarding physical health, that...


All Buddhas in ten directions perform marvelous methods, As Dorje Chang Buddha III; with a heart of humility, I now expound the shortcut to enlightenment. It is certain to liberate you from the death-knots of samsara...


“What demon-detecting mirror! That is worthless! That has nothing to do with anyone’s accomplishment. That is only symbolic and does not mean anything. What is important is to learn from Buddha and cultivate yourself!”...