I want to share some background in preparation for our classes on the Paramitas–especially the last two, Meditation and Wisdom. I found that Tsongkapa in one of his many lamrims, the Middle-Length Treatise on the...
If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many posssibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few. . . . When you have no thoughts of achievement ...
The concentrated mind understands reality as it is.Shakyamuni Buddha as quoted in Monk Kamalashila’s The Progress of Meditation: The Three Bhavanakramas, p. 111.
If one discerns selflessness (nairatmya) of phenomena, And, if having examined those, one should meditate on that, He has attained the cause for the result of Nirvana. Anything else is not a cause for serenity.” King of...
Our Saturday morning discussion with LFBCS students began a bit differently this week. Everyone present shared their understanding of what was meant by the phrase “Shifting the Mind,” a practice introduced in H.H. Dorje...
. . . dhyana entails abiding imperturbably in our dharma-nature of true emptiness, yet not being attached to such emptiness. Only that can be called true dhyana.” Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart...
The sea is not my problem, My task is not the mountain, My job is not the earth; My calling’s rather to attend That I should never fail Repaying kindness granted me. Verses of Drumsong, King of the Serpentines...
The following is a reposting of an article from this blog originally posted on September 21, 2020. I have added a paragraph to include the works of other masters that we should study and include other related links...