A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - Quotes

Quote-Plain Dharmakaya

There is the state where for the first time suddenly delusive thoughts are removed, such that the prior thought is already gone, and the next thought has not yet arisen. After achieving such a state or after realizing...

Quote-On Dharma Practice

. . .you must earnestly focus upon your power of dhyana. Your age does not wait. Lessen your reading of books somewhat and exert effort in actual Dharma practice! Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra...


Thus, it cannot be said that attaining awakening is equal to ending the cycle of birth and death and results in elimination of karmic hindrances. Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra-Part One, H.H...

QUOTE-Wisdom and Dhyana

All wisdom comes from dhyana. Without dhyana, what arises is worldly cleverness or intelligence.  The dhyana of practitioners of non-Buddhist ways falls into the categories of two types of emptiness—nihilistic...

QUOTE-Cultivating Goodness

The true-thusness of dharma-nature being intrinsically empty and tranquil, how could there be form? However, karma binds and entraps the body that is a provisional combination of the four great elements. One can be...

QUOTE-Liberation Dharma

. . . At all times, we must think about bringing auspiciousness, serenity, happiness, and peace to living beings and to the world, to the extent of giving our all and even our lives. I have already brought true Buddha...