A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - LFBCS

Photo of Jizo statue at Japanese Temple.

Dharma for the Unborn Baby

Jizo statue at Japanese Temple. Ten years ago, I asked H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III about what I should do to help a student who had just miscarried a baby. He very compassionately gave me the advice that is conveyed in...

QUOTE-Marvelous Existence

It clearly illustrates the truth that true emptiness is marvelous existence. Although all phenomena are illusory, if one is not attached to them, then marvelous existence will transform into true emptiness. If one is...

QUOTE-Emptiness of Dharmas

The emptiness of dharmas is a state to be realized by Bodhisattvas. Not only should one realize the emptiness of personhood and self and the emptiness of mind, one should also realize the emptiness of dharmas. That is...