Manjurshri Bodhisattva stands guard over the Chinese edition of ‘Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra’ on the altar in the Buddha Hall at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. I finally added the...
Image of Mahakala at the Dharma Protector Chapel of the Holy Vajrasana Temple, Sanger, California. A new course has been added that is suitable for beginners and anyone wanting to understand and practice the Dharma...
Looking East across the pond at the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center. Snow-capped Sierras are in the background. I am in the process of revising most of the courses offered at Learning from Buddha College &...
We finished Lesson 17 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the lines from the Heart Sutra that says, “The same is true of feeling...
Because all living beings, including you disciples, have created much karma over continual lifetimes and eons, we still have to rely on cultivating ourselves to realize prajna.” Expounding the Absolute Truth...
Vimalakirti debating Manjushri Bodhisattva. Tang Dynasty painting from the Dunhuang Caves. With a major national focus on the Vice Presidential debates now, it is timely to consider again what “debate” can...
We started Lesson 17 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the lines from the Heart Sutra that says, “The same is true of feeling...
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III [The following combines my notes and understanding from listening to several English translations of the first two of three CDs on a discourse given by the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in 2000...
Buddha Dharma is in the world, and attaining enlightenment from Buddha Dharma cannot be separated from worldly affairs. . . There is no Buddha Dharma separate and apart from worldly dharmas.’’ Expounding the Absolute...
Portrait of Su Shi (Su DongPo (1037-1101) crossing the river to meet Chan Master Foyin. In 2000, when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III first came to America, He gave a notable discourse entitled “It Will Be Fruitless...