Rainbow lights appearing in Hesperia, California, after dharma discourse class at the Xuanfa Holy Heavenly Lake Dharma Center on February 2, 2020. This article was originally posted last month as an expression of hope...
We finished the first Lesson on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” on December 3 with a discussion on why certain Buddhist defame H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Imparting the...
My brother Glenn recently sent me the article reposted below and asked me if I had seen it. I had not, but knew the book it was from and the author of that book. She had been a lawyer in Taiwan, but became a nun and had...
Modern sculpture of Nagarjuna. Some of you have commented on the tables I included in the November 23, 2022 post on “Dharmas According to the ‘Prajnaparamita Sutras’” that was in response to questions asked about what...
November 26, 2022 was the first ZOOM class on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” with a discussion of the publisher’s forward on the contents and origins of the book and how a...
The last session of DCB26 held on November 19, 2022, focused on the Concluding Dharma that we should apply to our study of the Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra (ITATTTHS) and a general discussion on...
Milarepa statue from Nyanang Phelgyeling Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal. This video of a discussion on LFBCS Course B26-Milarepa between course facilitator Don Asper and myself discusses the course and the importance of...
In terms of empowerment, the difference between the “Holy Fire Offering of Buddha-Dharma” and the “Common Fire Offering of Buddha-Dharma” is like that between the sky and the ground, or like comparing a stone to a big...
Nagarjuna. This Saturday, November 26, 2022, those enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary Programs at LFBCS will begin our discussions on Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. The...
November 19, 2022 was the final ZOOM discussion on DCB26-“How to Realize Prajna” and covered the rituals that should be performed when you finish your dharma sessions including dedicating merit and certain mantras. It...