A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - LFBCS

Photo of Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha from the Cave Temples of Dunhuang, China.

The Upayakausalya Sutra

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha from the Cave Temples of Dunhuang, China. I believe the story we discussed at yesterday’s seminar on the SAUMOL is from the Skill-in-Means or Skillful Means Sutra (Upāyakauśalya-sūtra)...

Photo of Eihei Dogen watching the moon at the Hokyo-ji Monastery, Japan, ca 1250.

Three Virtues & Six Tastes

Eihei Dogen watching the moon at the Hokyo-ji Monastery, Japan, ca 1250. Patriarch Dogen is the author of the “Teno Kyokun” often translated as “Instructions to a Zen Cook.” The following is an...