A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Category - Garden

Photo of Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland, OR.

“Suzhou-style” Gardens

Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland, OR. In today’s class, we heard that the Buddha Master used a term to describe a type of house in China with a specific type of garden, one in the “Suzhou-style.” This...

Photo of Gesang Suolang Rinpoche in her garden.

More Food from Small Spaces

Gesang Suolang Rinpoche in her Salt Lake City garden. Iris. Many of you may not know that Gesang Suolang (Margaret Park Esterman) was an avid Gardner and inventor. She actually received patents for some of her...

Carrot-Leek Miso Soup

Carrot-Leek Miso Soup. Another winter comfort soup to warm you on a rainy day. This one I started last night in my crock pot anticipating we might not have power and that was the case. We had just started the Mahakaruna...

Sunset on the reclaimed pond after the big rain.

After the Rains

Sunset on the reclaimed pond after the big rain. The killer storm that hit California was wonderful for us. It was mostly a gentle soaking rain, but enough to give us some beautiful reflections in the pond. You can see...

Roasted Winter Vegetables

Roasted Winter Vegetables. Just finished the above lunch on the patio. Spring is in the air–at least for today. I made up a lot of these root vegetables and froze them in packages with enough for two meals...

Egg Sandwich with Microgreens

Egg Sandwich with Microgreens. One of the best use of microgreens is to add them to sandwiches and although it is not shown here, the secret sauce is mayonnaise. You simply clip them and add to any sandwich, even with...