Anyone interested in helping usher guests around the site should contact them directly or let me know for possible places where they can stay at the site.
CLICK for more information on the new Buddhist Town website.
The Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena, California released another video of the Holy Birthday Dharma Assembly held June 30-July 1, 2023 in Glendale, California. Video of Holy Birthday Dharma Assembly, Glendale, CA, 2023...
Two major changes to future discussions of the LFBCS course C41(A) will enable us to have ZOOM discussions of both of the major Dharmas given us by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: The “Supreme and Unsurpassable...
Two Photos of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, The Holy Vajrasana Temple. As part of our discussion of the “Method Path of Bodhichitta,” which we will restart September 23, we will consider the merit-building...
Introduction to the Stages and Paths of Buddhism Free Course and Series of ZOOM Discussions featuring the teachings of two Buddhas: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Je Tsongkhapa Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419). [April 29-July...
“Thousands of Buddhists from around the world attended the two-day Dharma Assembly” Joyce Lee. Jon Stojan, Contributor: Published 11:45 am ET, July 25, 2023. USA Today. To honor the Holy Birthday of H.H...
Gesang Suolang Rinpoche, 1954-2023. The memorial held this morning at the Wasatch Retreat Center in Salt Lake City was a joyful tribute to our friend and vajra sister, Gesang Suolang Rinpoche. Her family, friends...
We finished Lesson 4 on the Intermediate Stage or the Path of Renunciation on July 15 with a discussion of what it means to become accomplished; why the three disciplines of precept observance, dhyana, and wisdom are...
Gesang Suolang Rinpoche at Devils Postpile National Monument, WY, 2016. We say goodbye to our dear friend, Vajra Sister, rinpoche, and wonderful human being who left this world July 4 after a long battle with leukemia...
Gesang Suolang Rinpoche chanting at the Installation of the Bodhi Tree at Holy Vajrasana Temple. This article was posted April 6, 2020 and needs to be posted again. Her insights into what gifts the Buddha left us and...