Medicine Buddha Thangka. This article provides information on the three main aspects of the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation: the dharma of not falling into evil and erroneous views, the dharma of...
We continued our discussion of “Shifting the Mind” practice from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation part of Lesson 5 of C41(A)-The Three Principal Stages and Paths of Buddhist Practice. We...
Some of you have heard my story that one of my first serious contacts with Buddhism came through a book by the thirteenth century Zen master Eihei Dogen, the founder of the Japanese Soto Zen Sect. It was a book I picked...
Buddha Light at Holy Vajrasana Temple, November 21, 2023. Another Solitary Retreat finished at the temple with most auspicious events. A Buddha Light appeared on the last day of the retreat and the Holy Vajra Poles...
We finished our discussion of the first part of Learning from Buddha on cultivation with a discussion of the “Parable of the Conjured or Phantom City” and what HH Dorje Chang Buddha III wants from His...
This was the main offering for our Thanksgiving Brunch this year. It was served with Fried Rice with Egg, Gochujang and Maple Syrup Glazed Roasted Brussels Sprouts, raw Cranberry-Orange-Date Relish and traditional...
In case you have not noticed the courses offered by LFBCS have changed their appearance. There was a recent software upgrade and we are just beginning to understand how to use it. So far, I like it and find it easier to...
Join us for online discussions of the SAUMOL starting November 18, 2023 at 9:00 am PST on ZOOM. You will need to both enroll in ongoing course C41(A)-Three Principal Stages and Paths of Buddhist Practices AND to...
The yurt that became the Protector Chapel at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. In December 2010, after finishing our Protector Chapel, The Buddha Master transmitted to me a special dharma that must be practiced there with...
Group visits the Vajra Poles. Today is the anniversary of our recognizing the Holy Vajra Poles. It was on November 8, 2010 that they started shaking. These photos and links to other articles tell the story. Chinese nuns...