We started Lesson 28 today on “With nothing to attain, therefore, . . . ” with a discussion of the terms “inclusion” and these words from the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra. The following are some of the...
Only after we realize the state of nothing to attain can we transform consciousness into wisdom. If we cannot transform consciousness into wisdom, then we have not truly ended the cycle of birth and death. Expounding...
Kings Canyon. The question was asked about the difference between Buddha Nature and Dharma Nature in class on Lesson 28 concerning attainment. Although we thought the terms were sometimes used interchangeably, we did...
There are a number of events planned around the Holy Birthday Celebration to honor our Buddha Master that you may be interested in. Please note that you do need to register to be able to attend some of these events...
We finished our discussion on Lesson 27 on the “Hearing the Dharma and Small and Great Dharmas” today. We have also posted a 40-question quiz on this entire lesson for those of you who are enrolled in this course...
The mahamudra of liberation is supremely venerable. Not abiding in self or phenomena is the mind of prajna. One instantly achieves transcendence and directly enters the state of realization based on the convergence of...
We continued our discussion on Lesson 27 on the “Five Vidyas.” An article about a 2020 course on the Five Vidyas is reposted last week to provide more background and links to other articles on the Five Vidyas...
My explanation of the fifth vidya, the inner realization vidya, will now begin. This vidya mainly refers to inner realization powers stemming from learning and practicing Buddhism. This includes learning the doctrines...
Painting of “Monk Ji Gong” by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Monk Ji, a sort of Chinese Robin Hood from ancient times, was known for his supernormal powers and compassion for the poor and disenfranchised as...
In this nirvana of great utilization of complete awareness that entails attainment yet non-attainment, no form, and neither coming nor not coming, true emptiness is marvelous existence. At this time, we do not...