A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Can you find a good teacher at a small temple?

Chua Thai Son, a small temple in DaNang, Vietnam
Chua Thai Son, a small temple in DaNang, Vietnam

You should not consider the size of the temple in determining who might be an eminent monastic who would be a worthy teacher. Earlier this month we discussed who is a worthy master and realize that a good master must have bodhichitta and not be arrogant or have self-pride or not keep the precepts.

When those with this view see a very small temple with only two monks, they ask how such a temple could possibly have any eminent monk in it. To them, that is impossible. Such a view is likewise erroneous. A small temple might also have eminent monastics. Whether someone is an eminent monastic is not determined by the size of the temple he resides in or by his particular linage. If his cultivation, accomplishment, and realization are great, then he is an eminent monastic. Ordinary people do not know about the dharma lineage of some eminent monastics because those true eminent monastics do not boast and praise themselves out of attachment to self. They do not reveal themselves. Take, for example, the question of where Kaichu Rinpoche learned his true tummo powers. Ordinary people have no way of knowing the lineage from which he received such Buddha-dharma. They still do not know.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

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