We attended a two-day celebration to honor the Holy Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in Glendale, California on June 30 and July 1, 2023 sponsored by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, the Holy Miracles Temple, Hua Zang Si, Benevolence Temple, and the Sanger Mission. Around 1,500 attended the packed auditorium from across the globe to chant sutras and make offerings and see the first three Chinese volumes of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection be solemnly presented by Holy Guru Venerable Mozhi and carried on a sacred sedan chair by Venerable H.E. Denma Tsemang and Ruzun Bodi Wentu in an impressive display of reverence while the distinguished monastics, virtuous elders, devoted Buddhists, and other attendees of the Assembly humbly paid their respect to the collection.
Venerable Tsemang addressed the congregation with great fervor, emphasizing the significance of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection:
We have undertaken the significant task of editing and publishing the first part of the “Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection. This endeavor not only expresses our profound gratitude and unwavering yearning for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III but, more importantly, will enable countless sentient beings to attain accomplishment and liberation through studying the Collection. We firmly believe that the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection will serve as the ultimate guide for all Buddhist disciples seeking accomplishment and liberation.
The Collection encompasses the essence of the Tripitaka and the esoteric Buddhist scriptures. It covers Buddhist precepts, wisdom and knowledge, cultivation, and Dharma practices. It covers the whole spectrum of Buddhism regardless of whether it is Hinayana, Mahayana, or Vajrayana. Through the Collection, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III reveals the most direct and expedient path for sentient beings, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas. If we diligently study and practice with focus on any one dharma-gate, it will absolutely lead us to attain liberation.
Furthermore, if we diligently devote ourselves to studying and wholeheartedly practicing the teachings on even a single volume of the Collection, we can be assured of achieving accomplishment and liberation.”
The first three volumes of the Collection, consisting of “Dharma Imparted During the Trip to the East,” “Dharma Imparted During a Trip in Response to the Needs of Disciples,” and “Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra,” was released in Chinese to commemorate this Holy Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang BuddhaIII. Venerable Tsemang also provided plans for the release of future volumes including the volume of recent discourses given by the Buddha Master that will hopefully be released in English yet this year. He also discussed the translation efforts underway to provide more of the collection in English. It should be noted that great effort was made to translate most of the Dharma Assembly events into English, to the delight of the many non-Chinese speaking members of the audience.
I don’t have an English transcript yet or subtitled versions of two similar videos released by a Chinese news agencies, but the following videos give an idea of the truly auspicious and wonderful experience of attending these flawless events that also included lunch for everyone both days.
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