Finally we completed the 295 questions we covered to date on the background and title of the Heart Sutra. Over 200 of these questions were on the title and we have only finished one word “PRAJNA.” Of course that is a very important part of the sutra. The next word will consist of two parts to treat “PARAMITA” as two concepts, “parami” and “ta”. This method of explaining the meaning of paramita, as far as I know, is unique to our Buddha Master.

The Buddha Master tells us that “Parami is a Sanskrit term. Just like the two characters that compose the word prajna, parami is a transliteration, not a translation. Parami, transliterated with the three characters, means “reaching the other shore.” My explanation of the Dharma here differs from that of ancient virtuous ones. Those ancient virtuous ones used the term paramita, which is composed of four Chinese characters pronounced bo luo mi duo. I say that the term paramita with four characters together is wrong. Paramita is not a single unit with one meaning. At the very least, this four-character version is not exact. Therefore, I have resolved to separate parami and ta.”
We will begin next Saturday, March 11, at 9:00 am to study the meaning of those two concepts on our weekly zoom discussion session. CLICK to find out how you may join our group and get the questions we will discuss and watch videos of the sessions you missed.
We may be able to also start the second concept in Lesson 6B next week on “TA,” which the Buddha Master interprets as “DHYANA”. We spent a good part of today’s class (March 4) on the meaning of dhyana. Again the Buddha Master will give us another definition: “Dhyana is absolute imperturbability. It is when all thoughts are still, all thoughts are absent. Perhaps one concentrates on brightness, achieving absolute imperturbability. Perhaps one concentrates on a Buddha image, achieving absolute imperturbability. Perhaps one concentrates on seed syllables, achieving absolute imperturbability. Perhaps one practices contemplation or visualization according to a text, achieving thusness devoid of any distracting thoughts. All of these are called dhyana. In short, absolute imperturbability is dhyana. The meaning of ‘ta’ is dhyana.”
Today’s class started this discussion of the meaning of “ta” or dhyana and why it is important. As I stated in last week’s article on this matter, the Buddha Master told us that “Only in a state of dhyana can you discern false phenomena from the manas consciousness and the alaya consciousness. Only in a state of dhyana can supernormal powers, shape-shifting powers, and so on come forth. Without the power of dhyana, these things are out of the question. However, dhyana powers will not arise without observance of precepts. Abiding by the precepts is a must. ” I shared what I have learned about dhyana in the article I posted last week on “Samatha and Vipashayana or Special Insight.” If you have not done so, I urge you to read it as well as the article on the Indian Master Kamalashila.
Other questions we pondered today included:
-The Importance of forbearance (patience) and effort.
-Why you must have prajna to begin your cultivation and practice.
-What happens if you have wisdom but lack dhyana and vice versa.
February 25, 2023: for article on Lesson 5B (254-280) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 18, 2023: for article on Lesson 4E (221-228) and HERE for recording of that class and on Lesson 5A (229-253) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 11, 2023: for article on Lesson 4D (199-220) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 4C (182-198) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 28, 2023: for article on Lesson 4B (165-181) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 21, 2023: for article on Lesson 4A (157-167) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 14, 2023: for article on Lesson 3B (140-156) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 07, 2023: for article on Lesson 3A (118-139) and HERE for recording of that class.
December 17, 2022: for article on Lesson 2 (82-117) and HERE for the recording of that class.
December 10, 2022: for article on Lesson 1 (54-81) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
December 03, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B (28-53) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: article on 0A (1-27) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 21, 2022: for earlier article introducing Lesson 0A.
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