Saturday’s discussion (February 25, 2023) may have been our most impactful yet–or at least it was for me. I could see the “ahas” as we gained insight into the true meaning of “prajna,” especially the third and highest type–intrinsic-reality prajna. We even ran over our 11:00 am time slot and started investigating the six paramitas and how we needed to practice all of them. Enrolled students in DCB21 may listen to the over two hour-twenty minute recording of the engaged discussion.

Please read the article on “Samatha and Vipashyana” to prepare for next week’s discussion. We will continue this important topic next Saturday, March 5 as the paramitas are part of “prajna” and maybe start to study the first part of the term as we investigate Lesson 6A, the second term in the title of the Heart Sutra, “Parami.” That will be followed by a separate focus on “Ta” in Lesson 6B.
February 18, 2023: for article on Lesson 4E (221-228) and HERE for recording of class and on Lesson 5A and HERE for recording of that class.
February 11, 2023: for article on Lesson 4D (199-220) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 4C (182-198) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 28, 2023: for article on Lesson 4B (165-181) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 21, 2023: for article on Lesson 4A (157-167) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 14, 2023: for article on Lesson 3B (140-156) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 07, 2023: for article on Lesson 3A (118-139) and HERE for recording of that class.
December 17, 2022: for article on Lesson 2 (82-117) and HERE for the recording of that class.
December 10, 2022: for article on Lesson 1 (54-81) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
December 03, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B (28-53) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: article on 0A (1-27) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 21, 2022: for earlier article introducing Lesson 0A.
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