Discussion on Lesson 1 of DCB21 of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was held December 10. This lesson dealt with who would benefit from this text, and what would happen to them from hearing this Dharma. He told us that “For the sake of the eternal bliss of living beings, I will use the Heart Sutra to impart the absolute truth, giving you an opportunity to become a liberated, holy being and live in eternal happiness!”
He also provided the requirements for learning Buddha Dharma stating that: “My view is that as a human being, no matter from what angle you look at it, to learn Buddha Dharma well, you first must be a good person. If you are not a good person, if you do not act according to the innate character of kindheartedness of a real human being, if you do not follow goodness and abstain from sin, then talk of learning the Buddha Dharma is empty talk.” Again we are told that you must be a good human being before you can even think of becoming a holy liberated being.
In this class we also learned how H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III provided His view and approach to expound the Dharma in ITATTTHS. It is in this lesson that He demonstrates how His approach differs from the patriarchs of old, comparing His simple and concise style using “plain words” instead of abstruse scholarly or philosophical language to explain emptiness and worldly phenomena. Several students who are quite familiar with the ITATTTHS commented on how the Buddha Master had an amazing ability to anticipate our questions and how time and time again, we would have questions and just as often the Buddha Master would answer these very questions in the next paragraph.
We also discussed the origin of the sutras and how they were recorded, learning about the various councils of 500 Arhats and how Upali recited the Vinaya rules while Ananda recited the Sutras to have them examined and verified by the assembly. We were reminded that Arhats have five supernormal powers that enable them to to this. We also discussed how those writings spread to China and were translated into the language of the Han people and why some things were not translated but transliterated into Chinese, retaining their Sanskrit sound. We found that the Indian monks Kasyapa-matanga and Dharmaraksa brought the first sutras to China in the 1st century CE on a White Horse and founded the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, China.
We heard the blessing given by the Buddha Master to the disciples present when He recited the translation of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra that is used in ITATTTHA:
I beseech Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to bless all disciples present here. May all of them, during this time of listening to me proclaim the absolute truth of liberation through the Heart Sutra, attain the understanding of the absolute truth of the universe and human life, and realize the state of one who has transcended the ordinary and entered holiness!
Next week we will discuss DCB21-Lesson 2 with the Buddha Master providing an introduction to “Imparting Dharma through the Title of the Sutra.” This will include more background on this sutra and how it is essential for us to attain the “fruit called the Three Bodies and Four Wisdoms” and other teachings. This will prepare us for the detailed investigation of what each word in in the title means that will be covered in the other lessons in DCB21.
Those who are enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs can still register for the class and watch a video of the December 10 class. Please note that I have added the spelling of names and places on the front poster to the video as requested.
December 3, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: for article on Lesson 0A and HERE for the video recording of that class.
CLICK HERE to register for all classes in the series and/or enroll in LFBCS programs, if you have not yet done so.
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