We finished the first Lesson on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” on December 3 with a discussion on why certain Buddhist defame H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra and twelve questions the Buddha Master asked and answered for the Five Persons of Holy Virtue who wrote the “Forward” to ITATTTHS.
This week, December 10 at 9:00 am we will continue our discussion with H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III giving His view and approach to expounding this Dharma that includes a historical perspective on the Prajna Paramita Sutras. He also expresses what qualities a person must have to be able to learn true Buddha Dharma. The following week at the same time on December 17, we will begin the study of the title of the ITATTTHS, which will probably take most Saturday mornings until April. Even though we have set aside December 23-January 2 for our annual Rohatsu Retreat, we will probably need to hold more sessions during the retreat to be able to cover all the questions that need to be discussed on “Prajna” and “Parami” and “Ta” as these are very important concepts that form the foundation for the entire sutra. Since this is also the Xmas-New Year Holiday, we will discuss how to best meet our goals at this Saturday’s session.
The homework questions are completed for DCB21 and those for DCB22 are being developed. Those who are enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs can still register for the class and watch a video of the December 3 class.
November 26, 2022: CLICK for earlier article on this class (Lesson 0A) and HERE for the video recording of that class and HERE for article on DCB26-“How to Realize Prajna” and links to all the classes related to that course.
CLICK HERE to register for all classes in the series and/or enroll in LFBCS programs, if you have not yet done so.
G40(A) “Thus Have I seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma & Its Power to Transform” is mentioned in another article that includes a chapter from from one of the textbooks for that course entitled “A Vicious Demon and Formidable Beast.” The full course with homework, etc. has not yet been developed, but the Auditing version is available. This course uses the Big Blue Book (H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III) and books by two disciples who provide personal accounts of some of their experiences being in the company of the Buddha Master. One was my book Thus Have I Seen and the other was Revealing the Truth by a nun from Taiwan. Both of us gave our accounts of many of the manifestations and accomplishments of our Buddha Master–some being different accounts of the same event and some of differing events.
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