This Saturday, November 26, 2022, those enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary Programs at LFBCS will begin our discussions on Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. The sessions are more-or-less scheduled every other week but will probably be more frequent. At least that was what happened in the pilot course that was open to a broader audience and was based on a Dharma Discourse by the Buddha Master on “How to Realize Prajna” (DCB26). This class covered certain basic preliminary practices that are essential to all Buddhist practice and study. We often found we needed more time to cover the material.
Since Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra is not available in English to most, those who had the good fortune to read and study the text at private or group retreats at the Holy Vajrasana Temple will attempt to share what they learned with those who had not been so fortunate. These forums are in no way a substitute for actually reading the text, but until this holy text is published and readily available in English, it will at least offer a glimpse of the content and profundity of this modern sutra.
This week we will discuss Lesson 0 of Course DCB21-“Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: Forwards, Introductions, & Title”. It is really an essential introduction to the actual sutra. The “Forward by Five People of Holy Virtue” is not a typical forward. These five advanced disciples of His Holiness did not want to write anything since they did not feel worthy or capable of such a task. So, they went to their Buddha Master and asked Him what they should do. They had many questions. The Buddha Master responded with His own questions—and answers that are absolutely required to understand the nature of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra and why it is essential for anyone seeking enlightenment and following the Buddhist path. For example, the Buddha Master explains how we should view the sometimes divergent commentaries by the great ancient Indian Masters like Nagarjuna (shown above), Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, and Santideva. His Holiness also comments on how we should understand the theories and understandings of the different sects or schools of Buddhism. These five accomplished disciples also share their own experiences and understandings gained from practicing the contents of this sutra and compare them to what they had gained from other teachings. This lesson also provides insight into the origins of the sutra and provides critical background information on why it is so worthy of our consideration.
In this lesson you realize why this is no ordinary commentary on the Heart Sutra.
NOTICE: I have revised the questions for Lessons 0 and 1 and am working on the other lessons for this course. Since I added many questions, I am pretty sure we will need a second session for Lesson 0 and have scheduled one for December 3 at 9:00 am. There are now over 50 questions that I hope we can cover, so I doubt if one session will be enough.
You may want to download the list of questions for Lesson 0 or at least review the questions before the class. Remember you do need to register again to take this course, and you will need to be enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary. You might also want to review the video on the evolution of Buddhism to see how the Prajnaparamita Sutras and the ancient Indian, Chinese, Tibetan and other masters and their various schools fit into the overall structure of Buddhism as well or at least CLICK for article on the video.
CLICK for link to enroll in Course DCB21 and schedule of all classes related to this LFBCS course.
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