A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Acceptance Speech given at Outstanding Women in Buddhism Awards, March 8, 2021

2021 Outstanding Women in Buddhist Award given to Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche.

I just received this bronzed plaque on the OWBA award. The following is the acceptance speech I gave on March 8, 2021 (via ZOOM of course) and a link to an article on the event.

It is such an honor to be recognized for this award and participate in your 20th Anniversary ceremony. I was most fortunate to attend your beautiful ceremony in 2009 in Thailand when Most Venerable Doctor Bhikkhunni Pannavati received this same award. It was most memorable as were the amazing women who were so honored. Likewise for the symposium held in a remote Mango grove after the ceremony. And today’s program is also amazing. It is such a blessing to meet so many beautiful sisters from all over the world. My heartfelt thanks to all that you do. Your work by women, for women, and about women is a wonderful tribute to celebrate the worldwide work of women—outstanding Buddhist women on this International Women’s Day.

And it couldn’t be offered at a more auspicious and appropriate time in my life. Ever since The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, the second sutra on cultivation by my master H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, was published over ten years ago, I have been trying to make this Dharma of how to develop Bodhichitta available to English-speaking students of Buddhism. Yesterday, I was able to read for the first time, the first half of what has been guiding Chinese speaking students to seek liberation for over a decade, to Buddhist students in Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, and all over the USA. I will read the remaining Mind-Essence practice from that sutra next Sunday.

And this is possible through our Lemonade Sangha—a virtual collection of individuals from many different countries—who came together in response to the shelter-in-place situation that most of us found ourselves because of COVID. In April 2020, after being unable to hold classes or public services, I formed this virtual sangha to make lemonade out of the lemon virus we were given. The time provided us with an opportunity to go deeper into our dharma practice and the emerging ZOOM technology gave us the mechanism to do this together and to support each other. I know it may be hard for many of you to find good in this virus, but I feel great joy from what we have been able to do to develop our cultivation and practice our dharma. The Buddha Dharma taught us by Shakyamuni Buddha can bring us joy in difficult times, perhaps especially in difficult times, and we can share that joy with others.

I am honored that Bhiksuni Dr. Longyun will lead us in in seeking blessings for those still suffering from the virus, political oppression, poverty, and all the calamities of our age. Every day when our Lemonade Sangha meets, we beseech the same and offer any merit or good fortune that we may have to others. As Buddhist women we can, both as individuals and through our Sanghas and communities do many things to bring love, peace, and kindness to all our relations—human and other. And most importantly, we can bring Dharma.

My life goal has been to introduce the Dharma of my master to the English-speaking world. I believe that this living Buddha has Dharma for our difficult age that is precise, clear and deeper than anything else available in the world today to help us in our cultivation of character and the cultivation of our minds. I believe that the sutras imparted by this great holy being are what we need to bring happiness and good fortune to this world and to prepare us for the future.

I am so very happy to be able to accept this award that is intended to promote the good work of women in furthering the word and work of Buddhism. I am hopeful to be able to continue to work with our sangha at California’s largest prison for women and our other local sanghas as soon as we have the virus behind us. I hope we can also maintain our international virtual sangha. By the way, our sangha includes non-Buddhists as well as non-humans and I want to continue that inclusiveness.  Maintaining, practicing, and propagating the teachings of the Buddha in this saha world is most important, no matter how we do it. Women’s work is essential for our progress in both the secular and spiritual realms at all levels. With the right tools and effort, we can all prosper, become accomplished, and liberated. Thank you.

Zhaxi Zhuoma

March 8, 2021

CLICK for article on the OWBA event.


  • Well deserved. You have put in so much hard work for so many years. It is nice to see recognition of your efforts and accomplishments.

  • Beautiful. Master. Congratulations on this special award for woman all over the world. As a disciple of His holiness Dorje Chang the third, the blessings , good fortune and the most important lessons in conduct and connections to
    All our mothers and fathers grow. Thank you .

  • Homage to my glorious Master
    No word can express
    I can’t even express in words what this woman has done to my life

  • Dear Master.
    I read your acceptance for the Outstanding Women in Buddhism award. It makes my heart sing. You are most deserving of the recognition for a lifetime of dedication and service, “effectively leading others” in correct practice of Buddha dharma. It is a joy to be on this journey with you. I remember the first time we met face to face at Heartwood and before that in a spiritual connection with HH Dorje Chang Buddha III.
    It is so encouraging to see the direction that you are taking the sangha. You can see how we are all progressing as a group and individually, which simultaneously feels like the same. It brings new meaning to the words; the power of the dharma is now. The synergy is propelling you and all of us forward on the path. My heart is singing. Blessings to all.

Zhaxi Zhuoma

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Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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