The Four All-embracing Bodhisattva Virtues are known as the four methods that Bodhisattvas employ to approach and save living beings. They include 1-giving gifts that people like, 2-using kind words, 3-acting to benefit them by teaching them the path according to their level of intelligence, and 4-working together with them. The Tibetans translated the last one to mean practicing what you preach by putting into action what you have told them.
I think that now that we have learned more about the Five Vidyas, we better understand the third virtue. We learn so that we are able to teach and thus help living beings and bring them to the dharma. That is what Bodhisattvas do!
The sketch above is one I explain in my book Thus Have I Seen (Heard): The Story of the Phoenix and the Chicken (CLICK for more). It is certainly not the most famous painting ever done by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, but one that is very precious to me as the Buddha Master gave it to me and then used it to teach me how to draw. This is certainly an example of how the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas teach and the meaning of the Five Vidyas.
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