I will read from a rare preliminary English translation of a discourse given in China by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that is included at the end of His famous sutra Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra on Saturday January 11, starting at 10:00 am until noon and continuing from 1:00 until 2:00 pm at Hua Zang Si, 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA. This discourse is part of a series of classes I will do at Hua Zang Si to explain how you can realize prajna or the wisdom of a Buddha. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III once stated that this is the only book you would ever need to read to become enlightened.
Translators will be available to translate the reading into Spanish and to enable Spanish-speakers to participate in a discussion of this extremely rare and holy text.
The next class will be on April 18 and the last on July 25, both at the same time and place. These three classes will explain the preliminary practice dharmas that give the specifics on how to cultivate yourself and truly enter the dharma so that you will have concentration, be able to generate wisdom, and be able to deeply enter into the profound meaning of prajna and thus become enlightened. It will include the Buddha Master’s special dharma on how to pass through the barriers that hinder your accomplishments. I will also explain why the title of the text has been changed and why this text is indeed a sutra. CLICK for article on this.
I am also continuing to hold classes and retreats on the core text of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra at the Holy Vajrasana Temple, 11507 East Ashlan Avenue, Sanger, CA. You may also come to the temple and read a preliminary translation of this almost 800-page sutra. It was published in Chinese and released at a Grand Assembly in Hong Kong in 2014. CLICK for the schedule of classes and retreats.
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