A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

English Dharma Class at Hesperia on “What Is Buddhism and Who Is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”

View from patio of temporary Dharma Center overlooking future site of Buddha Town at Holy Heavenly Lake, Hesperia, California.

We will hold our first English class in Hesperia the first Sunday in 2020, January 5, from 10:00 am until noon at 10161 Choiceana Avenue, in a temporary Dharma Center/home overlooking the site of the future Buddhist Town at Holy Heavenly Lake. I will give an updated version of the talk I gave on the tour we did in 2008-2009 of all 50 states when we introduced H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to the west. CLICK for article on overall content of classes to be held in Hesperia.


Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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