A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

How Do You Respond to Evil or Ignorant Masters? Evil Views #23, #34, & #35

“Stones” by Yu Hua Shouzhi Wang

You leave them and seek out a worthy master. If you help your master do evil things that support the 128 views, you will degenerate just as you will if you accept and follow a master who does not understand or teach true dharma. We must apply Buddha-dharma principles to make certain any master’s words are correct and not be fooled by their rank or status.

Evil View No. 23:  Acknowledging position and status rather than the definitive truth of the dharma. There are some great dharma kings, great rinpoches, and great dharma masters whose positions are quite high. They can even be ranked as first or second class great dharma kings, great rinpoches, or great dharma masters. When we hear them mistakenly expound the dharma, we do not apply the correct and definitive truth to recognize such mistakes, and we do not apply Buddha-dharma principles to judge whether their words are correct. We think that the dharma they expound must be correct simply because they have the status of a great dharma king or some other position. Such a view is an evil view.

Evil View No. 34:  Acknowledging that helping an evil master do evil is a dharma-protecting practice. There are disciples whose root master or master engages in evil conduct that violates the rules of Buddhism. In such case, those disciples not only do not leave their master, they even make a big effort to assist their master in doing things that follow these 128 evil and erroneous views. They even think that they are protecting the dharma. This is an evil view.

Evil View No. 35: Acknowledging it is acceptable to rely upon a master who is mistaken and confused about and does not understand the Buddha-dharma rather than seeking a good master. Disciples with this view accept and follow a master who mistakenly expounds and does not understand the Buddha-dharma. When this type of disciple discovers such offenses committed by his master, he does not quickly leave his master and seek a Buddhist master who truly gives correct teachings according to the dharma. Rather, he continues to follow this master who mistakenly expounds the dharma. This is planting the seeds leading to a lifetime of degeneration. Such a disciple should immediately seek a good master who is truly a greatly virtuous one. Otherwise, he will definitely descend into one of the three lower realms.

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