Thupten Thrinle Palzang (1927-2022), an incarnation of Guru Padmasambhava and also known as the fourth H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche, was the holiest great dharma king within the Nyingma lineage. His Holiness was the greatest Dzogchen or Great Perfection master and the main lineage holder of the Longchen Nyingthik lineage, the highest dharma in Tibet for perfecting the rainbow body. The famous great dharma king of the Nyingma sect said the following in his letter congratulating the publication of A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma: “I found the book wonderful and amazing and totally inspiring. . . [It is a] truly miraculous and extraordinary expression of truth expressed and unexpressed beyond words in Buddha Dharma.”
Dodrupchen Rinpoche, the fourth incarnation of the “Mahasiddha from Do,” entered into parinirvana at his retreat in Sikkam on January 25, 2022, just a few days before H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III left this world. He was regarded as one of the most respectable teachers of Tibetan Buddhism. He was the last of a generation of great Dzogchen practitioners coming out of Tibet.
His letter of congratulation and recognition to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was heartfelt and can be seen and heard in the video below:
Kyabjé Dodrupchen Rinpoche, the Fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche (1927-2022)
H.H. Dharma King the fourth Dodrupchen Thupten Palzang Rinpoche also recognized two persons of great holiness and virtue in a supplementary recognition document stating that they were “born into an honored and holy blood lineage” and the male was an incarnation of Great Patriarch Master Shantaraksita and the female was an incarnation of the greatest disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha, Sariputra. The letters of recognition and discussion of this are included at the end of the Big Blue Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma. However, neither of the two Bodhisattvas agreed to have their identities or their names included in that book so their names are covered on Dharma King Dodrupchen’s letters.
CLICK for more information on H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche. CHINESE Wikipedia .
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