During last weeks zoom discussion several participants shared information on videos they had seen concerning consciousness. Here is a conversation between two non-Buddhist British writers on the mystery of consciousness that sounds a lot like the need for cultivation as we know it. Graham Hancock is a journalist who writes a lot about ancient civilizations and the outer reaches of consciousness and alternative realities while Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist known for his work on morphic fields and morphic resonance. Both are somewhat controversial and at odds with more conventional thinkers. Both have had their 2013 Ted talks removed (you can still find them) because of their views. This talk is from the 2021 “Beyond the Brain” conference series.
Graham Hancock also has another interesting talk given recently on his research concerning ancient civilizations that you might also find interesting. I have followed Hancock for years as I am fascinated with his research on the ancient mound builders in North America. I grew up in a part of Ohio that had such mounds and explored the ones I found as a child and wondered just what they were and what stories they held. I like this recent talk as I feel he is getting closer to what I feel the Buddhas have been telling us about the nature of reality and who we are and what we are doing here, even though he is getting there by a different path. Enjoy.
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