Some of you have asked me about the examination offered by the WBAH on the sutras, vinyas, and shastras (commentaries). You need to contact them to express your interest. I have been told that they will try and arrange for you to take it after the 30-day retreat we are having in August, if at all possible. If WBAH has not responded to your request, please realize that they have been overwhelmed with all that has happened this year. They, like the rest of us, have had to regroup and are not at all sure of many things, so they find it very hard to make any commitment concerning the exam. They have promised me they will try to enable you to take the exam, but it is very hard at this time for them to predict their schedule and availability.
If you attend the August 5-September 5, 2022 retreat, you may make arrangements to go to Pasadena and receive the exam and return to our temple to take the exam so that you can have access to Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. This is a big deal.
I feel that is the best preparation you can take is to be able to read Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra along with listening to as many of the Dharma Discourses by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as possible. You can do that now by joining the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary. I know this is true, as I had a preliminary copy of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, when I took the exam and could not have done well without that knowledge as well as what I have learned from listening to Dharma Discourses given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha.
The following are other announcements by the WBAH (formerly known as the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters) about the exam including sample questions that were asked when it was originally given. Also included are reports on certain incidents relating to the exam that may help you understand the process. I have taken (and passed) this exam as well as those in the holy realms and observed others taking the exam in the holy realms in both Battle Positions. It is an amazing and awesome experience that is described in the announcements below.
WBAH tells us that: “You all have to make an earnest effort to listen respectfully to the recorded Dharma Discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, study well Learning from Buddha and Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, always check oneself using the 128 views, follow the two great mind essences of the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, cultivate oneself in concrete actions and steps, abstain from everything that is evil and do all that is good, and practice well the Buddha-dharma transmitted from His Holiness the Buddha.”
I found that taking the very comprehensive test was a very useful experience over and above receiving certification. Twenty sample questions taken from the test are listed below for your information. It is not an easy exam, but I urge all of you to try. I can personally attest to witnessing most of what is described below.
Answer No. 33-Examination System of the WBAH, March 20, 2018
Public Announcement No. 20170108-Exam Incidents, March 2017
Public Announcement No. 20170101: Publication of the Results from the Examination in the Holy Realm, January 3, 2017
Public Announcement No. 20160112: Examination in the Holy Realm, October 18, 2016
Public Announcement No. 20160105: The Exam-20 Sample Questions; Dharma of Vajra Fa Man Zue Jue, April 27, 2016
Public Announcement No. 20160101: Written Exam Plus Exam in the Holy Realm, March 3, 2016
Public Announcement No. 20150118: Examination update, December 21, 2015
There are other, earlier announcements that can be found when accessing any of the above. The most recent announcement given before the advent of COVID is below.
Reply to Inquiries No. 20180108: More on Status of unnamed Master, 2019 WBAH Exam, Establishing a Buddhist Organization, Beseeching an Inner-Tantric Initiation, and level of Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche, October 25, 2018
You can also read Chapter 17: “Testing in the Holy Realm” in my book Thus Have I seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and its Power to Transform, which is available from its publisher Great River Books and Amazon.
If you like, I will schedule a ZOOM meeting to discuss this further.
🙏 prostrates 🙏