A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

2010 World Peace Prize Awarded to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III photographed during the June 2011 ceremonies at the U.S. Capitol when the Buddha received the 2010 World Peace Prize.
: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III photographed during the June 2011 ceremonies at the U.S. Capitol when the Buddha received the 2010 World Peace Prize. His Holiness is wearing the prize.

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council held a grand award ceremony on June 14, 2011 in the Gold Room at the U.S. Capitol to express their respect for the recipients of the 2010 World Peace Prize. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, was awarded the top prize along with Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman, the former Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Various Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, and other dignitaries attended this event, which was held to recognize the outstanding work of individuals who make major contributions for the establishment and maintenance of peace. The following is an excerpt from a statement by the Council on our Buddha Master. A link to the entire press release and a video (in Chinese) of the Buddha Master’s acceptance speech is also provided below.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, recipient of the 2010 World Peace Prize Top Honor Prize recipient, was recognized by more than 50 eminent dharma kings, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches from major Buddhist sects around the world: H.H. Dharma King Dumu Qujie, the Root Master of the 17th Karmapa; H.E. Goshir Gyaltsab, a regent dharma king and national master; H.E. Sharmapa, a regent dharma king; H.H. Dharma King Trulshik, H.H. Taklung Tsetrul, and H.E. Chogye Trichen, all three of whom are Masters of the Dalai Lama; H.H. Dharma King Dodrupchen Thupten Trinle Palzang, H.H. Dharma King Penor, H.H. Dharma King Achuk, H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje, amongst others. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the most widely recognized leader in the history of Buddhism.

In the past decade, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha has suffered greatly for withstanding long-term persecution for his religious activities. A member country of the Interpol has once requested the Interpol to issue a warrant for His arrest. The request was subsequently withdrawn voluntarily by this member country after some years. Upon thorough investigation, in October of 2008, the 72nd session of the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files withdrew the arrest warrant and the entire case against H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Interpol also issued a document stating in definite terms that the arrest warrant against H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been cancelled and all of its member countries have been notified of the cancellation.

Although H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III long ago received official notification of the withdrawal of the arrest warrant and the removal of the entire case, He has never shown such documents to prove His innocence. Regardless of the slander He has endured, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did not disclose such ironclad evidence. When the World Peace Prize Awarding Council found out, and asked H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III about this, He responded by saying that what He must do is bear all of the karmic offenses committed by living beings and give to living beings all of the good karma and merit that He has planted. He said that if He proved His innocence by showing those documents, then those who slandered Him would no longer be seen as innocent. Who, He asked, will bear their karmic offenses?

His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is more than deserving of the Top Honor Prize as He exemplifies the nobility of selflessness; a model of morality for all to emulate. He also demonstrated how peace is often attained by determination, humility and the perseverance to advance its cause in the face of adversity.

CLICK for Chinese video and press release from the World Peace Prize Council concerning the ceremony awarding this prize to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

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