We will continue our discussion next Saturday, December 28 at 9:00 am finishing the Final Project for the Seminar on SAUMOL course. All participants will have an opportunity to use the ZOOM “Breakout Rooms” to discuss one or more of their selected passages from either the Preface and Introduction or the “Xiaman Oceanic Mind-Essence.” If you did not attend the special December 22 class last Sunday, you can watch the “Final Report Practice” video linked below. It includes a demonstration of two students doing Step 3 and a discussion of thow the Breakout meetings would work on ZOOM. [As an aside, a comment that was NOT made during that session was that you DO NOT need to know the answer to a question to be able to ask it.] Please check out the recent articles on the concept of debate in Tibetan Buddhism that the Buddha Master frequently praised and His Seven Dharma System for learning the Dharna. You can even read my notes from the original discourse He gave on this. There are many links to more information on this in these articles.
You may think that it is not a good idea to keep using the term “debate” since we are not really doing either what was done in Tibet monasteries or in American traditional debates. Someone made an excellent suggestion to use “deliberate” as an alternative and there are other worthy ideas. However, I want us to still include debate in our discussions of what we are trying to do as that is the term His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III used. Try and gain insight into how our Buddha Master saw it working. Remember, this is “Bodhichitta-based Debate” to enable us to reflect on and share the Dharma and it can serve as a metaphor for everything we do.
When you enroll in S01-Seminar on SAUMOL at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) you can access the videos of all the ZOOM discussions along with the lessons and assignments for this course. Please note that the links below to the videos will only work if you are logged into LFBCS with your membership identification number AND are enrolled in this seminar. Also note that the videos have been edited and thus shortened and that you may speed them up and only listen to the parts you want to hear. Reba even shows you how to do just that in the first one on how to use the LFBCS software.
More on SAUMOL
CLICK for article on sixth session of the SAUMOL Seminar held December 22, 2024 and related video on the questions related to the “Final Report Practice.”
CLICK for article on fifth session of the SAUMOL Seminar held December 22, 2024 and related video on the questions related to the “Preface and Introduction Makeup Questions 1-17.”
CLICK for article on fourth session of the SAUMOL Seminar held December 21, 2024 and related video on the “Second (Xiaman) Mind-essence Commentary Questions 32-43.”
CLICK for article on third session of the SAUMOL Seminar held December 14, 2024 and related video on the “Second (Xiaman) Mind-essence Questions 18-31.”
CLICK for article on second session of the SAUMOL Seminar held December 7, 2024 and the related videos on “Preface and Introduction” and “What Is Xiaman“.
CLICK for article on first session of the SAUMOL Seminar held November 30, 2024 and the related video on “How to Use the LFBCS Software“.
CLICK for article on S01-Seminar on the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL), November 24, 2024.
CLICK for LFBCS course P01-Introduction to the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL).
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